
How to Make Money and Get Paid By YouTube

            How to Make Money and Get Paid By YouTube CLICK HERE⤴ With 5 billion videos viewed every day by more than 300 million visitors, and more than 300 hours of video uploaded every minute, YouTube is actually one of the world’s most popular media channels. Everything from viral funny cat videos to full-length, professionally produced TV shows are available. It’s come a long way from humble beginnings in 2005 to being bought by tech giant Google in 2006 to its current domination as one of the world’s top social networks, search engines, and entertainment venues online. The cool thing is that this platform is also a great way for everyday people like you to make money through your own videos. You don’t need professional level equipment or experience to make it happen. You just have to know how to get paid by YouTube. And the rewards can be great. Consider Swedish YouTuber PewDiePie, who was the highest paid YouTuber in 2016—bringing in $...

Common SEO Abuse Techniques

                      Common SEO Abuse Techniques There is no such thing as a perfectly optimized page. Search engines do not want to return the most optimized page, but the page that best satisfies the searcher’s goals. If you have a page title and H1 header that are exactly the same, and all of your internal links and all of your inbound links from other sites pointing to that page use that same text, then that looks suspicious (like attempted ranking manipulation). As a result, the search engines may de-weight that or filter that out of the search results. How do you minimize your risks and make your site more stable? It’s best to mix things up a bit and create something that markets itself. Or, try looking at things like a search engine engineer would. There is a concept called poison words, where if you have things like link exchange, add URL, or link partners on a page, there stands a good chance a search engines may place...

He who have ears let them hear among the IPOB's Youths & Nigeria Citizens-240p




Opo (Widow)- An intrigue Movie


Why Search?

     How To Become a Blogger in Just a Week and Start Earning Part 3                                                             Why Search? With search you do not hunt for your customers. While they are actively interested in your products or services, they hunt for you. Search engines take advantage of reverse broadcast networks to help save time and money. They are instant answer systems that provide ultra-targeted advertising. Search allows you to sell what your customers want, when they want it.                                             Finding Prospects From a colleagues of mine sharing his experience with; I had just finished reading Permission Marketing by Seth Godin when I became engaged in one...

Why is Blogging Such an Effective SEO Strategy?

----------------How To Become a Blogger in Just a Week and Start Earning Part 2--------                   Why is Blogging Such an Effective SEO Strategy? Over time popular bloggers build up hundreds or thousands of subscribers. These subscribers are people interested in the field or topics that blogger writes about. Each time those bloggers write a new post those readers get notified of the new content in their RSS readers. Imagine that… • everytime you had an idea to share, that 5,000 people who trust your opinions see it. • most of those 5,000 also write blogs in your field or related fields. • some of those bloggers frequently mention your site • some of those bloggers also have thousands of subscribers. Blogs are all about spreading ideas (via in content links) and accumulating attention. Where people go search engines follow. If many people link to your blog posts that also boosts your search engine...